Sleeping in a Castle: How Medieval Castles were built

Sleeping in a Castle: How Medieval Castles Were Built

What rooms were there in a medieval castle besides the bedroom? In castles where nobles once lived, the main rooms used for dining and sleeping by the lord, his family, and his knights were located in the keep, the rectangular tower within the castle walls. The keep (sometimes also called the donjon) is the strongest and tallest tower of the castle, built to be the most secure and safe place.

Compared to early castles, later ones began to incorporate round towers because rectangular ones could be attacked at the corners, which were the weakest parts.
Most castles are situated on a hill, why? The choice of location has always been strategic: this way, potential enemies would have to attack uphill, and the castle occupants could see them coming in advance.

How castle walls were constructed

Castle walls were very thick, sometimes up to five or six meters. The projecting rounded parts were called bastions. Archers defending the castle could shoot arrows from these against enemies attacking the walls. Arrows could also be launched through narrow openings in the walls called “murder holes.” Castle battlements were often designed so defenders could take cover behind them while striking the attacking army.

Enemies, to counter the defense, typically used enormous catapults or battering rams, or a kind of giant crossbow called an arbalest. They would ascend special ladders that could be launched and hooked onto walls, holding shields above their heads while defenders dropped rocks or poured boiling oil on them. A mixture of boiling oatmeal was also used, acting like a deadly porridge that stuck to the attacking soldiers.
Most castles had a moat or a water-filled ditch around the walls to make it more difficult for attackers to pass. Sometimes, attackers dug tunnels under the moat and walls, causing parts of the walls to collapse into the water.

Another way to enter a castle was by using a “siege tower“.

Castle Siege Towers

What was a siege tower? It was a tall wooden tower on wheels that could be moved close to the walls. Attackers on top of the tower would reach the castle walls using their own wooden bridge.
Sometimes, the attacking army simply surrounded the castle and waited for those inside to run out of food and surrender. However, since all castles kept a ready supply of food, these sieges could last up to two years.
The outer wall of a castle was called the Bailey. Inside the Bailey were buildings where livestock, horses, and the lord’s servants lived.

The Keep

In medieval castles, much of the lord’s and his followers’ life took place in the Keep. The keep represents a fortified tower that, in addition to its defensive role, also served as a residence for the nobility and garrisons during the Middle Ages. Sometimes, it had both a curtain wall and its own moat, accessible through a specially designed entrance not directly connected to the outside.
Inside the castle, there were also rooms for food storage. These rooms had to be stocked with food to last in case of a siege. Usually, there was a well so that people in the castle could obtain fresh water. There were kitchens for preparing daily meals and pantries where food for daily use was stored. There were also the Great Hall and bedrooms. The Keep could be as tall as 70 meters, with a watchtower where sentinels kept an eye out for any attacks, and the lord’s banner fluttered from the top.

What Were the Castle Rooms Like?

The Great Hall

The most important room in a castle was the Great Hall. This is where all members of the family sat down to eat at tables set for each meal. It was the venue for special events or when there were guests. King Arthur’s Pentecost feast took place in such a hall.
In this hall, the lord conducted almost all castle affairs, giving orders on managing his estate, listening to reports from his judicial officer or reeve (men who managed his land affairs for him), and hearing complaints from each of them.

A fire was lit in the center of the hall, and the smoke could escape through a hole in the roof. Even with the fire, the large stone room was very cold in winter, and the inhabitants or guests always wore thick woolen clothes and furs to stay warm. The floor was often covered with rushes and straw (changed when very dirty). There wasn’t much light because windows had to be small and high in case of an attack, and instead of glass, they had oiled cloth or parchment. Most people in the Middle Ages went to bed when it got dark and woke up when it was light in the morning.
Candles were too expensive (especially beeswax ones) even for the lords of many castles. They used tallow candles (made with sheep or goat fat), flickering torches, or lamps burning fish oil to illuminate their Great Halls.

For decoration, the beams of the hall were often painted with patterns. Zodiac signs were among the favorites. Tapestries were hung on the walls (also making the environment somewhat warmer). There were wooden tables and benches, with cushions or embroidered tablecloths. There were also large carved wooden chests with elaborate locks that contained important documents, linens, or precious items to keep them away from thieves and mice.

The Bedroom

Rats were a problem for clothes, and in the bedroom, there was a pole for hanging clothes at night so that rats wouldn’t nibble on them. People didn’t wear anything to bed except maybe a nightcap (nightshirts weren’t worn until the 14th century), and they slept semi-upright.

The Kitchen

Food was roasted or boiled in cauldrons over the fire of a hearth made of large stone blocks. Dishwashing was done in a basin on the nearby stone floor.

A wealthy knight, his family, and guests ate well. Unlike most people, they had plenty of meat: deer, goose, rabbit, and hare. On Fridays and holidays, when meat was forbidden by the church, they ate fish or eels. If there was a special feast, kitchen staff were busy preparing wild boar, roasted swan, or even roasted peacock served with all its feathers as decoration. Other birds appreciated in the Middle Ages were doves, larks, thrushes, and finches. Some of these were caught by the lord and his friends while hunting with their falcons.

Sanitary Facilities

Where did people go to the bathroom when living in a castle? Many castles had stone toilets built over holes in the outer walls. These emptied into a pit much lower down. The Teutonic Knights (warrior monks from Central Europe) living in Malbork Castle in Poland were known to kill their enemies by inviting them to be guests at the castle and then throwing them into the toilet.

Medieval castles didn’t have bathrooms with running water, yet people enjoyed bathing. In some castles, next to the kitchen, there was a room where women bathed together.

Christmas in Tuscany: traditional dishes

traditional dishes for xmas in Tuscany

Christmas lunch in Italy, like around the world, is sacred and features some indispensable dishes. Rich appetizers, classic tortellini in broth (or other types of filled pasta depending on the region), meat or fish dishes, pandoro and panettone according to preferences, dried fruits, and citrus.

But each region has its own, let’s see in general what is eaten at Christmas in Tuscany.

Christmas Lunch in Tuscany

A classic Christmas lunch in Tuscany will have chicken liver crostini as an appetizer. Throughout Tuscany, each family prepares its own version, and they are straightforward to make: chicken livers are sautéed in a pan with a sofrito of onion, celery, and carrot, then deglazed with white wine. They are then cut with a knife and returned to the pan, adjusting with salt and pepper but without overdoing it: the savoriness of the dish comes from chopped anchovies and capers. Tuscan bread (without salt) and perhaps slightly stale, slightly moistened and baked in the oven to make it crispy.

All that’s left is to spread the chicken livers and serve your crostini on a serving dish: they won’t last long.
But it’s not a Christmas appetizer if it’s not rich!
Therefore, a traditional Tuscan appetizer should contain mixed cold cuts, pecorino cheese, and olives. A vegetarian (or vegan) alternative is Cecina (chickpea tart) to be served warm.

Traditional main courses

For main courses, there are different schools of thought.
We cannot ignore cappelletti in broth: you can buy them, but we recommend making the broth at home; it has a completely different flavor. The broth for cappelletti is made with capon boiled the day before in cold water with onion, carrot, and celery. The capon can be eaten boiled (delicious), and the broth obtained should be used the next day to cook the cappelletti.

Another traditional first course for Christmas lunch is fresh egg pasta with a filling of spinach and ricotta or the more classic potato filling (typical of Mugello). The sauce should be rich: a simple meat ragù will be fine, but to add prestige to their tables, Tuscans love to use game meat. For those who enjoy game, you can prepare a wild boar or hare sauce. For a vegetarian version, just toss your ravioli or tortelli with butter and sage leaves.

What’s Eaten as a Main Course at Christmas Lunch in Tuscany

Main course: pork loin roast Arista is the Tuscan name for roasted pork loin, very common in Sunday lunches, especially in Florence. Tuscan Arista is very easy to prepare and is seasoned with garlic, fresh rosemary, sage, salt, and extra virgin olive oil.

Traditional Tuscan Christmas Sweets

We conclude the meal with a traditional Tuscan Christmas dessert with a recipe that is a thousand years old: Panforte + some special Christmas biscuits like “cavallucci” and “ricciarelli” accompanied by Vin Santo. Certainly, cantucci will not be missing, but those are never absent.

Panforte is a dense, honeyed sweet of medieval origin. Initially prepared by monks in monasteries and symbolically given on special occasions, it later passed into the hands of apothecaries: sugar, almonds, candied fruit, and spices were precious ingredients like gold, and like gold, they were stored by these figures halfway between an alchemist and a pharmacist, in large glass jars on dark wooden shelves.

Spices are what make it unique, a Tuscan peppery bread. Its pungent and honeyed aroma is, for me, the true scent of Christmas, along with that of almonds and orange peels from ricciarelli.

Cavallucci are one of the most famous Christmas delicacies in Tuscany, dating back to the Renaissance when the church council gave panforte and cavallucci to its members. Originally from Siena, these old-fashioned biscuits have a soft texture and are made with type 00 flour, nuts, candied fruit, anise seeds, and spices.
No one knows the exact origin of their name (which comes from horse). Some believe it comes from their shape, with a central groove resembling a horse’s hoof, or perhaps because a small horse was once stamped on them. Others emphasize how they were often consumed by roadhouse workers, where travelers stopped to rest and change horses.
Originally simpler, with no nuts or candied fruit, only flour, honey, sugar, and anise seeds, they have enriched over the centuries to satisfy the increasingly demanding tastes of the bourgeoisie.

Midway between a small shortcrust pastry and an almond biscuit, ricciarelli are characterized by a dusting of powdered sugar, a soft interior that melts in the mouth, and a strong aroma of bitter almonds. The origin of Sienese ricciarelli dates back to the 15th century: almond paste – in the form of marzipan or Marzapanetti – was once highly appreciated in the city, and Siena was famous even beyond its territory for its production. Almond paste biscuits were reserved for sumptuous Lord’s banquets because they consisted of precious ingredients, mainly almonds and sugar. They were so valuable and refined that marzipan sweets were sold in apothecary shops alongside the medicines and spices of the time.

Today, along with panforte, ricciarelli are perhaps one of the most characteristic Sienese sweets. During the Christmas season, you can find them in all pastry shops and bakeries in Siena. Despite being a traditional recipe, they are also a modern-flavored dessert since they are naturally gluten and lactose-free, making them a Christmas biscuit that satisfies everyone’s needs.

Christmas menu at Castello di Gargonza

And if you would like to celebrate a special Christmas within the walls of a medieval castle, Castello di Gargonza offers its menu for the occasion:

Welcome aperitif, sparkling bubbles with the frivolities of the kitchen to welcome you into the warmth of our tables.

Cod creamed in extra virgin olive oil


Roché of livers

Capon terrine with berry glaze

Purple broccoli flan with De’ Magi blue cheese fondue


Agnolotti in capon broth

Risotto with marrow and saffron


Mixed boiled meat with a triptych of sauces and sweet and sour giardiniera


Cold lemon cake with Gin reduction

Traditional panettone with hot Vin Santo cream


From the cellar

Vermentino Costa Toscana, Marchesi Ginori Lisci, 2022

Montescudaio DOC Merlot Bio, Marchesi Ginori Lisci 2020

€70.00 per person including wines

For children with a seat at the table €30.00 per person.

The same menu is available for celiacs.

For info and reservations or tel. 0575/847021

Christmas and New Year’s Eve: a dream at Castello di Gargonza

christmas and new year's eve at Castello di Gargonza

Christmas and New Year’s Dream at Castello di Gargonza.
The holiday season is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Evocative and welcoming, to be spent with your favorite people, and even better if in charming places.
Have you ever thought of celebrating them in an alternative and unusual way, like inside a castle?

Castello di Gargonza is ready to welcome you within its walls and transport you to a unique and timeless atmosphere.

How Christmas was Celebrated in the Middle Ages

While the medieval European calendar had numerous holidays, Christmas was the highlight with twelve days of festivities. From peasants to the affluent classes, the Christmas season was dedicated to a long break.

How Nobles Celebrated Christmas in the Middle Ages

The exchange of gifts for the wealthy people at Christmas included precious jewels and garments, taking place on both December 25th and January 1st. However, food was often considered the best part of the celebrations. Medieval castles were adorned for the festivities, decorating one of the most spectacular rooms with festive greenery like ivy and holly. The meal was usually an elaborate lunch with multiple courses, perhaps featuring extravagant dishes prepared by the chefs to impress on the occasion. For example, boar’s head on a plate or roasted swan or peacock with feathers.

How Peasants Celebrated Christmas

Christmas was celebrated in all social classes. However, many could not afford the luxury of a grand feast and expensive gifts.
Free workers on estates received gifts from their lord. This tradition spread over the centuries, leading to servants receiving a box of gifts on December 26th (hence the name “St. Stephen’s Day”). Children received simple toys from their parents, such as dolls and marbles.
Even peasants could decorate their homes as greenery like holly was readily available. The tradition of burning the Yule log also continued into medieval times. This involved burning a large section of the tree trunk on Christmas Eve, continuing to burn for the twelve days of Christmas.

Families indulged in foods they wouldn’t typically buy, such as cheese and boiled meat. They also drank beer, typically produced by peasant women.
January 1st was still considered an important day, even though no gifts were exchanged. Instead, a superstition emerged that it was important for good luck in the new year for someone to be the first visitor to a person’s house on New Year’s Day (First step).

Entertainment during Christmas

Of course, drinking was an important part of the Christmas festivities, and there are accounts of Lords worried about riots during the holiday season. Games were also popular, including board games like chess, still played today.

Christmas meals were generally followed by festive songs, dances, music, and sports. Popular musical instruments included flutes, lutes, and drums. The medieval version of football involved moving the ball to a predetermined position and had very few rules. People even tied horse shinbones to their feet to attempt skating on frozen lakes during winter.

To spend your Christmas and New Year 2023 like in a fairy tale from another era, come to Castello di Gargonza!
Special menus for both holidays are planned in a magical and unique atmosphere that only a medieval castle can provide.

Autumn Festivals and Christmas Markets in Tuscany

Autumn Festivals and Christmas Markets in Tuscany

The autumn and winter season in Tuscany is a celebration of colors and events dedicated to experiencing its cities and incredible landscapes to the fullest. Take advantage of mild days and weekends to explore small typical villages and towns.

Even better if you move close to events, fairs, and festivals.

Arezzo, the City of Christmas

A must for all Christmas enthusiasts is the event organized by the city of Arezzo every year: a grand fair full of artisan creations and stalls offering tempting dishes.

This year it will take place from November 18th, 2023, to January 1st, 2024.
What not to miss? The magical historic center of Arezzo, where you’ll find the “Prato delle Meraviglie” with a panoramic wheel to enjoy the view of the entire city from above, and traditional markets. Unmissable are the light installations, Christmas Brick Art, and the Tyrolean Village.

The largest Tyrolean market in Italy will be set up from November 18 to December 26, featuring 32 wooden chalets arranged around a large chalet. What will you find? Plenty of Christmas gift ideas, tree decorations, lights, typical Tyrolean beer, music, and gastronomic specialties. The little ones won’t be disappointed with Santa’s House, where themed workshops will be organized.

Let’s not forget about Arezzo Christmas Brick Art! What is it? A wonder that will please both young and old: the large LEGO Christmas Village, open to visitors from November 18 to December 26. Here, you will find over 400 square meters of exhibitions, shows, and workshops entirely focused on the world’s most famous building blocks, with themed areas and special initiatives.

Autumn Food and Wine Festivals in Tuscany

Here is a small list of festivals taking place in November 2023 in Tuscany, within driving distance from Castello di Gargonza, an excellent opportunity to organize a trip to one of the many wonderful villages in the region, spending a day immersed in good food and autumn colors.

  1. Autumnia from November 10 to 12, 2023, in Figline Valdarno (FI). A weekend getaway: less than an hour from Castello di Gargonza, a special fair dedicated to local products, focused on agriculture, environment, and food, featuring 25 local farms with their zero-kilometer products, 13 cooking shows in three days, and a zootechnical exhibition with over 50 farm animals.
  2. Market Exhibition of the White Truffle of the Crete Senesi from Saturday 11 November 2023 to Sunday 19 November 2023 in Montalcino, Siena.
    The festival takes place in the heart of one of the most suitable areas for truffle harvesting in Italy. San Giovanni d’Asso, a charming medieval village surrounded by rolling hills and unspoiled nature, offers a refuge away from urban chaos and industrial activity. The white truffles collected here are all 0 km, collected exclusively by truffle hunters affiliated to the provincial association.
  3. White and Black Truffle Festival from November 4 to November 12, 2023, in the Municipality of Scarperia and San Piero in the province of Florence. Less than two hours’ drive from Castello di Gargonza: why not spend an entire day as true gourmets and try all the truffle-themed delicacies? There’s something for every taste, both white and black truffles.
  4. Feast of San Martino and Bringoli from November 11 to November 12, 2023, in the Municipality of Anghiari. In the province of Arezzo, about an hour’s drive from Castello di Gargonza, during the second weekend of November, the 35th edition of the Feast of San Martino and Bringoli will take place. The town of Anghiari, known for being the birthplace of Piero della Francesca and one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, will celebrate local gastronomy. You can indulge in bringoli, a traditional local dish: large spaghetti made with water and flour, handmade and served with rich meat or mushroom sauces. Also unmissable are sausages, traditional “brustichino,” and chestnuts, all washed down with generous new wine.
  5. Chestnuts and New Wine Festival from November 1 to December 10, 2023, in the Municipality of San Gimignano. Chestnut lovers can move to the province of Siena, an hour and a quarter’s drive away, to visit the wonderful village of San Gimignano and taste the queens of the season: chestnuts.
  6. Festival of Tortello, Porcini, and Chestnuts of Mugello from September 29 to November 19, 2023, in the Municipality of Vicchio. Unmissable autumn pearls that can be enjoyed for more than a month. Mugello tortelli are typical, filled with potatoes and served with various sauces, while porcini mushrooms and Mugello chestnuts are precious gifts of autumn, to be enjoyed as long as possible.
  7. National White Truffle Market Show from November 11 to November 26, 2023, in the Municipality of San Miniato. Head to the province of Pisa, an hour and a half away from Castello di Gargonza, to be delighted by autumn dishes based on white truffles. The fair, organized for several years now, is also an excellent time to buy truffle-based products and take advantage of Christmas gifts and ideas.

And for a dreamy overnight stay, after days filled with events and gastronomic delights, Castello di Gargonza has it covered.

Discover all the options for rooms and apartments in this dreamy historic location right away.

Typical products of Tuscany: come and taste them in Gargonza

prodotti tipici di toscana a gargonza

La nostra regione è uno dei gioielli culinari d’Italia. 

Grazie alle sue delizie gastronomiche è capace infatti di incantare i visitatori non solo con i suoi paesaggi mozzafiato e con le sue città d’arte ricche di storia e di cultura, ma anche con la sua tradizione culinaria. Il cibo in Toscana non è solo nutrimento, è cultura, vita, celebrazione della tradizione.

A Gargonza siamo convinti che l’enogastronomia sia una parte fondamentale di chi vive un’esperienza nel castello. Per questo abbiamo selezionato una serie di produttori locali d’eccellenza e di prodotti tipici di Toscana che ben rappresentano la nostra storia e la nostra cultura gastronomica.

Dal prosciutto salato alla finocchiona (un tipico salume di carne suina arricchito con semi di finocchio), passando per pecorini, formaggi freschi e vini rossi strutturati e robusti: a Gargonza ti offriamo un viaggio tra i sapori dei prodotti tipici di Toscana, in un contesto magico e affascinante.

Prodotti tipici di Toscana: cosa troverai a Gargonza

Nella nostra bottega offriamo degustazioni guidate di prodotti tipici di Toscana provenienti dal territorio che ci circonda. Amiamo andare alla ricerca dei produttori locali che lavorano con passione le migliori materie prime e ci teniamo a farti assaggiare i prodotti che noi consideriamo migliori. Ai piedi della maestosa torre trecentesca, potrai assaporare formaggi, salumi, vini e altre specialità toscane che abbiamo accuratamente selezionato.

Ecco qualche assaggio di quello che possiamo offrirti.

Salumi da animali allevati allo stato brado

I salumi che offriamo nelle nostre degustazioni arrivano principalmente dall’Azienda Agricola Basagni di Monte San Savino. L’azienda alleva suini allo stato brado, che vivono in libertà e si nutrono di ciò che la natura gli offre, per poi essere trasformati in salami, prosciutti e altri deliziosi salumi di eccellenza. La lavorazione artigianale non prevede inoltre l’aggiunta di fosfati aggiunti, per mantenere il gusto e l’aroma delle carni intatto.

Formaggi pluripremiati e ricchi di sapore

Tutti i formaggi che utilizziamo, non solo per le degustazioni ma anche nella cucina del nostro ristorante, arrivano dall’azienda di Andrea De’ Magi. Andrea, con il quale collaboriamo da tempo, è un pluripremiato affinatore che seleziona le migliori forme di formaggi a latte crudo e pastorizzato. Potrai assaggiare formaggi di capra, di pecora e di latte vaccino, che vengono fatti stagionare e affinare nell’azienda di Castiglion Fiorentino. Qui assumono il loro sapore e la loro consistenza caratteristica: sentirai il vero sapore del latte e della stagionatura fatta come una volta.

Vieni ad assaggiare i prodotti tipici di Toscana a Gargonza

prodotti tipici di toscana

Ovviamente salumi e formaggi saranno accompagnati da pane tipico toscano (senza sale, rigorosamente!) e da un bicchiere di vino rosso locale. Le aziende vinicole che abbiamo selezionato si trovano tutte in Toscana e le abbiamo scelte proprio perché i loro vini sono in grado di accompagnare ed esaltare al meglio le proposte gastronomiche.

Per esigenze particolari, possiamo inoltre preparare del pane e della schiacciata senza glutine per accompagnare salumi e formaggi.

Se vuoi prenotare una degustazione di prodotti tipici di Toscana a Gargonza, puoi scriverci e saremo felici di organizzarne una personalizzata per te.


An ancient castle in Tuscany: the history of Gargonza

castello in toscana

Evocative and majestic, Gargonza is an ancient castle in Tuscany that has kept intact all the charm of medieval times. Thanks to the continuous restoration works and careful maintenance of it over all these years, walking through the streets of the village and entering the castle of Gargonza is a bit like stepping back in time.

In this article we retrace its centuries-old history of the village and the castle: it will be a truly fascinating journey through time.

The history of Gargonza over the centuries

It seems that the castle of Gargonza was built as a defensive structure around the 11th century. Specifically, the earliest records date back to exactly 1150: at that time, there was talk of a fortified castle on the road between Arezzo and Siena.

Over the years, Gargonza was transformed into a village where people were mainly engaged in wool processing and the care of the surrounding woods. In the seventeenth century, the castle would later be enlarged with a full-fledged farm: covering an area of about 900 hectares, the surrounding land was organized to be conducted on a sharecropping basis. Gargonza’s agricultural vocation lasted until the early 20th century.

After 300 years of flourishing agricultural life in the community, Gargonza was abandoned by its inhabitants but fortunately did not go into decline.

The Guicciardini Corsi Salviati family and the castle in Tuscany

castle in tuscany

The Corsi Salviati family has been the historic owner of Gargonza Castle since as far back as 1696, and since then has always dedicated itself to maintaining the original condition of the castle and village.

When Marquis Bardo Corsi Salviati died, all his property passed to Count Giulio Guicciardini, who added his surname to that of the original family. However, we are in the early 1900s, in the midst of a rural exodus: the hamlet is abandoned but one of the Count’s 8 sons, Roberto Guicciardini Corsi Salviati, chose to devote himself completely to the conservative restoration of the castle. The village was reborn and, from the 1960s, the houses and agricultural outbuildings were also restored. Gargonza was thus transformed into an accommodation facility, one of the very first in the region and in all of Italy, becoming a castle in Tuscany where people could stay as well as visit.

To this day, the castle of Gargonza is still owned by the Guicciardini Corsi Salviati family: it is the Count’s heirs, Neri and his wife Elisa, who carry on the activities of the hamlet and also the conservation and maintenance work, with the aim of preserving the hamlet’s medieval soul and appearance.

More than a castle in Tuscany, a real village

Gargonza is thus not just a castle in Tuscany but an entire medieval village. Around the tower there are stone-paved alleys along which we find numerous buildings maintained exactly as they were in medieval times: small peasant houses, with wooden beams and stone walls, have been converted into rooms and apartments that keep the medieval atmosphere intact.

Protecting the village we still find the original walls, preserved with great care.

What you will find today within the walls of Gargonza is therefore a perfectly preserved castle in Tuscany, a charming village and a luxury accommodation facility.

Want to visit Gargonza or book a stay in the castle?

Contact us!

Typical Tuscan cooking class in the castle of Gargonza

corso di cucina toscana tipica

Pappa al pomodoro, steak, meat sauces and fresh pasta are just a few of Tuscany’s world-famous culinary specialties . Of course, all accompanied by an excellent glass of red wine!

To help you experience all this, we organize a typical Tuscan cooking class for our guests who wish to have a unique culinary experience. During the course you will not only learn some typical Tuscan techniques and preparations but you will hear the history of the recipes, smell the most genuine ingredients and discover the gastronomic traditions of our region.

Here is how our Tuscan cooking class works.

Our Tuscan cooking class is a journey through the flavors and traditions

We have structured our Tuscan cooking class so that you can taste some typical preparations and to reveal some secrets of our culinary tradition.

The “Hands in Pasta” package.

We titled the course “Mani in Pasta” because the focus will be on making fresh pasta. In about two and a half hours, our chef will teach you how to make perfect typical Tuscan fresh pasta, using just a few simple ingredients, as per the poor peasant tradition. If you wish, you can also request to make gluten-free fresh pasta.

In addition to fresh pasta, you will learn how to prepare a typical traditional Tuscan sauce of your choice: from classic tomato to rich meat sauces, including vegetarian sauces made with mushrooms or truffles.

Finally, our Tuscan cooking class chef will teach you how to prepare a typical Tuscan appetizer or dessert, depending on your preference.

At the end of the Tuscan cooking class there will be lunch with what we prepared together! In this way the experience will be truly complete and you will remember it forever.

Discover the “Hands in Pasta” package

Cooking themed team building courses

For corporate groups looking to regain fellowship and create a cohesive and collaborative team, a culinary team building is the perfect experience!

We propose several culinary team-building proposals: participants will have to compete with each other in some way, but at the same time make it clear how everyone contributes to a unique project. Participants will make fresh pasta, pizza and bread baked in our ancient wood-fired oven, but not only that. We can organize a garden tour, where everyone will have to do their part, or a wine tasting or freestyle cocktail competition.

If you want to set up a culinary team for your corporate group, write to us and we will find the perfect solution for you!

Write to us to ask for information

Why take a typical Tuscan cooking class?

typical tuscan cooking course in gargonza

There are many reasons why you should take a Tuscan cooking class if you are vacationing in this region.

  • Learning the secrets of Tuscan cooking. Simple, genuine, and rich in flavor, the Tuscan culinary tradition is world famous, and taking a Tuscan cooking class will allow you to discover the secrets of authentic techniques and recipes that you won’t find in cookbooks.
  • Discovering new ingredients and flavors. Tuscan cuisine uses many local ingredients, which not everyone knows because they are typical of this region. These include salt-free bread, different kinds of cheeses, finocchiona and many other delicacies to be discovered.
  • Having fun and socializing. Tuscan cooking classes are also perfect for sharing an experience with colleagues and creating an atmosphere of sharing and collaboration. It is no coincidence that many companies choose Tuscan cooking classes as a team-building opportunity.

If you are passionate about gastronomy and recipes, a Tuscan cooking class is therefore perfect for discovering the culinary culture of one of the most beautiful regions in the world.

It will be an experience that will forever remain in your memories! Contact us to receive information.

Tuscany in summer: 3 alternatives to the sea

Tuscany in the summer is not just about sea, beach and sun.

For those who do not like to find themselves in the heat among the crowds vying for a place on the shore, or simply for those who want to spend a different day than usual, there are many alternatives. Summer vacation in Tuscany can be fun but also interesting, rich in culture and relaxing.

In this article we give you three alternatives to experience Tuscany in the summer even while staying away from the beaches!

What to do in Tuscany in the summer without going to the beach?

Summer in Tuscany offers a thousand opportunities to immerse yourself in the history, culture and art of this land. You will discover hidden treasures and enjoy the tranquility of nature away from the crowds of beaches.

Here are three ideas for your summer vacation in Tuscany.

Casentino Forest National Park, for the adventurous

If what you are looking for is an experience in direct contact with nature, a day in the Casentino Forests National Park is ideal.

We are in the Tuscan-Romagna Apennines and the view is one of endless forests of beech, oak and fir trees, which provide pleasant shade and a cool breeze even on the sultriest summer days in Tuscany.

The Park of the Casentino Forests is dotted with more or less challenging trails, which will allow you to delve into the most unspoiled nature and discover truly evocative landscapes. Streams flowing between rocks and waterfalls, small natural lakes and ancient monasteries hidden in the woods. And as you walk, you might catch a glimpse of some wild animals living free in these forests.

All you have to do is to choose from the many trails of different lengths and difficulties and set off to discover the Tuscan nature.

Spas, for relaxation and refreshment

tuscany in summer at the spa

If you don’t like the sea, you better know that this is not the just way to have a dip. In fact, Tuscany is full of natural spas that allow you to cool off and relax without the stress of the beach. Surrounded by breathtaking scenery, surrounded by lush hills and extensive vineyards, Tuscan spas offer the perfect opportunity to completely unplug.

Spa facilities feature outdoor and indoor pools, with more or less warm waters rich in minerals valuable to our well-being. In addition, most facilities offer many rejuvenating treatments and therapies such as massages, mud baths, saunas and whirlpools, designed to regenerate the body and mind. There is nothing better than experiencing a hot Tuscan summer day splashing around in rejuvenating waters.

If you want to learn about some of the most renowned spas in Tuscany, read this article.

The Val d’Orcia, a UNESCO World Heritage Site to explore

summer in val d'orcia in tuscany

The Val d’Orcia is a Unesco World Heritage region, and you only need to take a look at the views it offers to understand why! Rolling hills full of golden wheat alternate with rows of cypress trees on the horizon and vineyards as far as the eye can see, making for an evocative backdrop that has become the epitome of postcards from the Tuscan countryside.

Don’t let the heat discourage you because, apart from the drive, this area enjoys shady avenues and a gentle breeze that makes even the sultriest of days bear up without a problem. In addition, the small medieval villages that are scattered throughout the Val d’Orcia provide a cool respite from the heat of the Tuscan summer: shady alleys and stone buildings keep the air cool and make for pleasant walks.

The ideal way to visit the Val d’Orcia during your summer vacation in Tuscany is to prepare an itinerary made up of several medieval villages, perhaps a winery with wine tasting and a typical restaurant where you can enjoy Tuscan cuisine. Between stops, you can enjoy the beautiful landscapes.

Summer vacation in Tuscany: where to stay

During your summer stay in Tuscany, you can sleep at Castello di Gargonza.

We are located halfway between Arezzo and Siena, so in a strategic position to reach Casentino, Val d’Orcia and some of the most renowned spas in the region.

Our hamlet has remained intact as it was in the Middle Ages, with its newly restored tower, cobblestone alleys and numerous houses that are now classic or superior rooms and apartments with every comfort. You will be cool, surrounded by the woods of the Val di Chiana, and you will have a store with typical products, a rich breakfast and a restaurant offering Tuscan cuisine.

What are you waiting for to plan your summer vacation in Tuscany?

Book a room now!

Weekend gift packages: spend two days in beautiful Tuscany

pacchetti regalo weekend toscana

Weekend gift packages are a great way to disconnect from everyday life and carve out some time to relax and enjoy new experiences.

If you want to give a special gift to someone or simply want to treat yourself to a weekend of relaxation and discovery, Tuscany is definitely the ideal destination. With its artistic and cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes and unique food and wine tradition, it is the perfect region for any traveler and offers many opportunities for recreation.

We have created several weekend gift packages to offer you a truly unforgettable stay in Tuscany, allowing you to live your passions and savor the wonders Tuscany has to offer.

Let’s find out about them!

Gargonza Castle’s weekend gift packages

Package for a relaxing weekend

If all you want is to unplug from your busy schedule, stress and tiring daily routine, there is nothing better than a relaxing weekend getaway. Our package includes two nights for two people with breakfast and a typical Tuscan dinner, which will be served in the panoramic dining room overlooking the hills of the Val di Chiana.

In addition, you will be pampered with a relaxing essential oil massage, which you can request either in your room or in one of our common areas with a fireplace. It will be 60 minutes of pure relaxation, accompanied by the intoxicating scent of pure essential oils and the enveloping movements of our experienced massage therapists.

Discover the Weekend Package with Dinner and Massage.

Gift box to put your hands in the dough

Tuscan cuisine is made up of peasant traditions, poor dishes, and simple, genuine ingredients. If you want to savor the authentic culinary tradition of our region, the Mani in Pasta gift box is perfect for you!

In fact, we offer you the opportunity to take part in a personalized cooking class for two people. In about two and a half hours of the course, you will learn how to make the best fresh pasta you’ve ever eaten, an accompanying sauce, and traditional Tuscan appetizers. Alternatively, you can choose to make a dessert, always guided and accompanied by our chefs.

Also included in the gift box is an overnight stay with breakfast and of course lunch!

Learn about the Mani in Pasta package.

Weekend package to savor Tuscan cuisine

The goodness of Tuscan cuisine is famous all over the world, and we are proud to faithfully reproduce some of the most famous recipes of our tradition. We choose only the finest ingredients and process them as they used to be done in the old days to enhance their taste and goodness.

If you love good food and drink more than anything else, we recommend our weekend gift package called The Flavors of the Castle.

You can enjoy a typical Tuscan dinner made by our chefs in one of the Castle’s panoramic rooms. In a romantic and charming atmosphere, we will accompany you during a typical Tuscan four-course tasting menu. From the wine list, we will choose together the 4 glasses to match the dishes, all strictly from the territory.

Also included in the weekend gift package is an overnight stay with breakfast.

Discover the The Flavors of the Castle package.

Romantic weekend package in Tuscany

This is the perfect weekend gift package to offer a little romance to your sweetheart. You will spend two days of quiet and serenity in the charming setting of Gargonza Castle and can devote yourself solely to your couple.

It could be a very romantic way to celebrate an anniversary, Valentine’s Day or birthday, or just an idea to remind your other half how much you love her! In any case, it will certainly be a welcome surprise.

The romantic weekend gift package includes an overnight stay with breakfast in a superior room and a welcome gift with a bottle of wine.

Learn about the Escape for Two package.

Choose your perfect weekend gift package now

Which of our weekend gift packages is the perfect one for you?

If you would like to receive more information or customize your gift box, please contact us and we will be happy to answer all your inquiries.

Romantic weekend in Tuscany: 3 tips for planning one

There are times when all you want is to unplug, escape from the routine and indulge in some pampering. Of course, in the company of one’s better half.

This article is dedicated to all those for whom that moment has arrived! However, not all experiences are suitable for a romantic getaway in Tuscany.

So we will give you all the useful info to organize a romantic weekend in Tuscany, the region that offers everything you need to spend a few truly magical days.

Choose the destination: where to go for a romantic weekend in Tuscany?

The first thing to do is to choose your destination.

Tuscany is a very diverse region so it depends on what you love to do and what you would like to see. The art cities, the countryside and the small medieval villages are definitely some of the main attractions so ideally you should choose a destination that gives you the possibility to reach these places relatively easily and quickly.

Among the art cities to visit are definitely Siena and Arezzo. On the other hand, we do not recommend Florence, not because it is not worth it but because it would deserve a separate trip because it is impossible to see everything in one romantic weekend in Tuscany.

Instead, the most beautiful medieval villages can be found in the areas of Val d’Orcia, Val di Chiana and Chianti, which are also hilly landscapes worth visiting.

Organize couple activities

Since it’s a romantic weekend in Tuscany, don’t forget to plan activities to do as a couple.

Here are some ideas for an unforgettable romantic getaway in Tuscany.

  • Natural spas. Being pampered by the gentle streams of warm waterfalls is one of the most romantic and relaxing activities you can choose. There are numerous spas in Tuscany where you can enjoy a wonderful and relaxing day.
  • Winery tastings. On the other hand, if you both love wine and good food, a guided tasting in one of the wineries in Chianti, Val di Chiana or Val d’Orcia is definitely a great way to spend the day. In fact, Tuscany is one of the most famous lands in the world for its wine tradition.
  • Forest therapy. Are you an active couple who love being outdoors? Then a walk in the woods is what will make your romantic weekend in Tuscany really special. It will be literally regenerating to immerse yourself completely in nature.

The accommodation: choose a romantic location

Finally comes the time to choose the perfect accommodation for a romantic getaway in Tuscany. It will have to be a location equipped with every comfort to allow you to spend your time in a pleasant way when you return after a day out.

Ideally, it should be a place with a romantic atmosphere, perhaps equipped with a nice pool and a restaurant where you can treat yourself to a candlelight dinner. The rooms should be furnished with attention to detail and in a comfortable way.

But the most important thing is the context in which the facility is located. Being on a busy street or in a suburban apartment building would have nothing romantic about it, right? Better a place out of the confusion, perhaps in the hills but still close to points of interest.

Gargonza’s packages for a romantic weekend in Tuscany

Gargonza Castle is the perfect place to spend a romantic weekend in Tuscany.

It is located on a hill between Val di Chiana, Val d’Orcia and Chianti, halfway between Siena and Arezzo. This will allow you to reach some of the most picturesque points of interest in Tuscany. And it is not just a hotel but an entire perfectly preserved medieval village, with its castle and many historic buildings where you will find rooms and apartments furnished in the traditional Tuscan style.

Gargonza also offers a restaurant and an outdoor swimming pool, as well as the opportunity to stroll through the village’s narrow streets on a journey out of time.

In addition, there are packages designed for those who want to spend an unforgettable romantic weekend.

Weekend with dinner and massage

Our most relaxing package!

We offer you two nights in a classic room or apartment with a fireplace and a relaxing 60-minute couples massage. Plus, you’ll have breakfast and a typical Tuscan dinner to enjoy in our panoramic lounge.

Find out more about the weekend package with dinner and massage.

Love escape in Tuscany

The Love Escape package, on the other hand, is designed for those who want to spend just one night out.

We offer you an overnight stay in a superior double room with breakfast and a bottle of wine to sip at sunset with a beautiful view of the Val di Chiana. It will be a true romantic getaway in Tuscany!

Find out more about the Escape for Two in Tuscany package.

If you would like to learn more about our accommodation proposals, please contact us.